Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Review: The Sims 3

A whole new world to explore

The Sims 3 doesn’t really do anything different than the prequels, but It adds stuff and things that the prequels maybe didn’t have. You can’t go wrong In a game like this and people seem to like this more than ever before. The graphics have gotten a pretty good lift since The Sims 2 and the “sims” looks more lively now. The world that before was only in your house is now everywhere. You can go everywhere in the neighborhood and travel various places, without loading times. So it’s pretty great.

Workout: It is now possible to go and work out at a gym, at the game thankfully, not in real life!

Basic farming: You can "play" that you have a farm.

The Sims 3 also got a new personality system to make sims from. You choose from a bunch of preset personality moves and makes your sim special when you put this together. The producers didn’t rest their case in making expansion packs either and we have now have opportunity to travel to a foreign country (Egypt, France and China), Go on the job with the sims (Never been done before), Go to a bar and maybe own a bar someday? The last installment is pets, which also came to the two prequels. The next pack, Showtime, is also an old pack, that could be seen in The Sims Superstar.

New Skills: The new personality system seems to work pretty good. This sim is going to be a pain in the ass.

Expansion and stuff packs for The Sims 3 at the present time:

High-End Loft Stuff

Fast Lane Stuff

Outdoor Living Stuff

Town Life Stuff

Master Life Stuff (24 January)
World Adventures
Late Night
Showtime (March 9)

The Sims 3 Showtime Debut Trailer


The Sims 3 (2009) (Expansion packs are still made)

Graphics: Pretty good, but I have to say, I did want something more. Anyways, games like these don’t need to be extreme when it comes to graphics. 8/10
Audio: The good old sim language is back, but It gets a little boring after a time. That’s probably why the editors took nowadays music and made it simlish. In Late Night, Rise Againsts Savior can be heard on the radio in its very own sim language. 8/10
Gameplay: This is what you make I yourself. If you want to live a boring life with your sims, do that. But that’s what so charming about this game, you get to do exactly what you want to do. 9/10
Controls: Point and click with your mouse. Don’t remember if I actually touched the keyboard during this game. 10/10

Overall Score: If you know the basics of the sims, you know that you won’t probably see all the material in this game, because it has to many opportunities. That’s a good thing. You basically decide yourself how long, or how short your story or life will be. Some minor bugs have been seen along the way, but it doesn’t take away the good feeling. The Sims 3 doesn’t let you down. It gets better and better. 8/10

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