Thursday, January 12, 2012

Review: Wolfenstein

A Sci-Fi FPS set in world war two

In 2009 Wolfenstein came out in a part of the new series. It had then been eight years since the last encounters with B. J. Blazkowicz. In this game reality switches places with fantasy, when entering world war two in the Wolfenstein world.

I'll do it: B. J. Blazkowicz is back doing what he likes best.

If I have understood the game correctly, events in this game take part before Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Agent B. J. Blazkowicz, your playable character in the game, as well as in every Wolfenstein game, gets sent out on a mission to take out Nazi-scalps  and to find out what’s going on in the fictive German town of Isenstadt. Rumors have gone out that the Germans have gotten something in they're hands that can end the world forever. It’s time to make these pigs grill like they deserve and you’re first mission starts when entering from the train into town.

The more the merrier: It's funnier working with others.

The game is graphic/audio-wise very good, but the story can be complicated at times, so be sure to follow the game closely. The Germans have taken control of an amulet, that can make them travel through another dimension, who make them look like monster-like creatures when seen in this world. You self will be in control of this amulet, when found and you can use it to travel through hidden doors and such. You will also have the ability to move super quick or enter slow-motion mode. Slow-motion mode is pretty cool and you will need it when running over bridges who falls or when getting out of different traps that is made for you. It can also be used to dodging bullets. These things with the portals is a pretty unusual thing to see in a world war two game, but Wolfenstein really makes it work. When playing this game it feels like something really special.

Unstoppable: That's how you feel when seperating German body parts all day.

Wolfenstein is a pretty unusual game and if you played the series before, you know what you get. There is of course some negative things. The story is creative and very alive, but even so, sometimes it just doesn’t feel like you’re really in this world. Many of the voice acting performances is pretty boring and the best part is maybe where the Germans are screaming scheize!, when shot in the head. The game is also a very very bloody game and there is no problem in separating body parts when a soldier has been taken down. This isn’t a negative thing, but i now understand the high age limit on this game. This will feel like fun for a while, but don’t get your expectations up to high, because the game doesn’t have the flow all the way.

Bang-Boom: B. J. has a thing for explosions.


Wolfenstein (2009)

Graphics:  The graphics has gotten a lift since the last game, but even thought the characters and the details are many, the game looks a little gray everywhere. I understand that the game was made that way and that there is a point when it’s dark in dark places. Great graphics when entering the other dimensions though.  8/10
Audio: Pretty poor acting job on most of the characters, except B. J. himself, he sounds the most real. Great sounds on guns and such though, a lot of explosion potential. 7/10
Gameplay: The game starts out with an interesting set up, but it feels like something more could have been baked in the story, as it gets boring when you play enough. The backround of story is great, but is really more interesting when you hear about it. It is not so extreme when played through. . 5/10
Controls: Can be difficult, as there is no special cover system in this game. If you manage to do it, there is no problem taking out enemies at close range, but you must expect to see the screen go a little red. Basic keyboard/mouse on the controls and it works okay. 8/10

Overall Score: Wolfenstein starts off with an interesting story to tell us. As the game progresses the story gets less and less important and soon you will find yourself flying around shooting at everything, without really remembering what you were supposed to do and why you should have done it. The game is worth trying out if you haven’t played it, but it’s no must. A game closer too good, than average, thanks to the start of the game. 7/10

1 comment:

  1. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.
